
This site is owned and governed by: Eliff Enterprises FZ-LLC, with offices based in SMBA0136, Compass Building, Al Shohada Road, AL Hamra Industrial Zone-FZ, Ras Al Khaimah, United Arab Emirates. The website respects your privacy rights and recognises that the security of your private information from the use of this website is an important concern. We take all privacy matters regarding personal information very seriously. Therefore, we ask that all of our customers read the following privacy policy carefully so that they know what information we collect from them and how this information is used. This privacy notice also includes important information about our security measures.

Our data collection principle

We will only collect personal data when you have provided it to us, for example when you register for an account, complete any forms or send us an email or otherwise order any of our products and services.

Data use principle

The data that we collect is only ever used for the purpose of supplying you with the products and services which you have requested from us or for any other purpose which you may have given your consent for.

What do we use the information for?

Any of the information that we collect from you on may be used in any one of the following ways: .

    • Personalise your experience: your information helps us to better respond to your own individual needs.
    • To improve the website We are always looking to improve the website and its offering based on the feedback which we receive from our customers.
    • To improve our customer service: Your information helps us to more effectively respond to your customer service requests.
    • To process transactions: Your information, whether it be public or private will not be sold, exchanged or transferred to any other given company for any reason whatsoever other than for the purpose of delivering such information and for delivering the products and services which have been requested.
    • To send occasional emails: The information which you have provided may be used to send certain information and updates about your orders as well as further information on in cases where you have requested it.

Data security principle

Your personal data will not be shared with any other third parties in any form whatsoever, unless we have previously obtained your consent or we are legally required to do so. We will retain and control all of the responsibility for all of the information which you send to us.

Data access

All customers have the right to access, amend and receive a copy of their personal data either through our member system or by contacting us.

Data deletion principle

All customers also have the right to erasure, otherwise known as ‘the right to be forgotten’, which means that you have the right to request that your data be deleted or permanently removed from our databases if you no longer want us to process it.


The website uses cookies which are small text files of information which are stored on a computers hard drive. They help us to provide you with the goods and services which you have requested from us, as well as remembering you each time that you return to the website. They do not contain any information which can be used to identify you personally, but if you would prefer not to have the use of cookies enabled then this is something that you are able to disable in your own browser settings.


If you have any questions about this privacy policy or would like to know more about how you can exercise your rights then please get in touch with us and someone will come back to you as soon as possible.